Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Aku seekor kucing tak bertuan

Pelan2 melangkah meja ke meja
mengharap belas ihsan makhluk berakal
untung2 dapat ayam
kurang sket dpt jemput2 ikan bilis
aku renung makhluk ni lama2
padahal diorang sebok ngan dunia diorang
yang aku langsung tak paham
pandang la sini skejap
tengokla dalam mata aku ni
cuba la selam naluri aku
cuba la simpati


ok next table~

Saturday, September 5, 2009


This is like the 100th post about volleyball (well, actually not that many..)

Somebody planned for a game today 'cause..well..probably a special occasion for that person. Anyway it was so unforeseeable (is that even a word) that the public court was in use by some other people. Many people. More than the most we ever gathered. Quick inquiry from a person revealed that, apparently, it's a regular thing for them on every Saturdays :( Heartbroken, I stood beside the court and watched them play. All of them can play well. And few are really good. Kinda makes me miss playing with superior teammates in Dublin (Division 1 Men, Irish League). The good passes, smooth sets, good blockers..arghh :( The only thing they lack is position and covering and even that is minimal.

Well, I'm still grateful for what I got over here with nice and awesome friends/teammates. There's no game I didn't enjoy with them. And it's always a pleasure to see new friends try the game and improve ^^ Love you guys!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Berjimat di bulan puasa: Tak mustahil. :D

Tadi lepas balik dari 2 Way Centre kitorang actually decide untuk singgah di bazar kat Times Square (Penang) tapi masa nak carik parking aku tengok dari jauh macam tak seberapa je. Akhirnya semua sepakat tak jadi singgah. Aku end up ke belakang hospital besar je macam biasa. Kali ni aku sendirian sebab awek kat rumah, takde lecture petang (aku tolong belikan untuk die). Seperti tahun lepas, gerai and makanan almost the same je. Even their location of gerai pon sama. Nothing interesting/new to try. Lepas beli nasik ayam utk si dia (that's just one of the things she asked :P), aku pegi beli nasik campur. Nasik ngan ayam seketul ngan ati masak kicap ngan togey sums up to just rm4.20. Not bad ek? Tambah air rm1. So in the end aku hanya spend rm5.20 je untuk buka pose ari ni :P Nampak gaya nya aku akan selalu buat camni la :D (by the way food for my dear totaled up to about twice of what I paid. Go ahead and make a guess on what I bought for her hehe)

See you!

Monday, August 17, 2009

How I play volleyball.

This is the way I've been playing, over the years with experience since 1999 (if I remember correctly) and playing with/against school friends, Chinese schools teams, and players from various countries. I was lucky to have the opportunity to play alongside awesome players of University College Dublin volleyball team (especially my ex-teammates in Division 1 team) but that kind of story is for another post (I guess :P). (I'm in no way implying that I'm good or awesome, I'm just like everyone else with still so much to learn)

1. Getting in the 'ready' position. This is crucial because this is the best position for impulsive move to get easy, moderate and even hard/tricky passes/attacks.2. Passing the ball. As mentioned below, the process of passing comes from the combination of slight movement of the upper limbs (not a full swing past your chest!) and the spring motion from your lower limbs ( as you were in the 'ready' position, your knees are already bent so the spring comes from extending your legs). This will almost always results in a well controlled ball unless you have super strong arms and slight swing will send the ball to outer space ;)

3. Next comes the setting. I was either having trouble at drawing this or just got lazier :P. Setting is really a bit difficult at the beginning but once you get the feeling of the motion, you'll be setting like a pro. First of all, position both hands above your face (always set the ball above your face, not too far infront, too low etc.), spread all fingers wide and hands are like 8 inches apart. You DO NOT set using your palm, instead the ball must be touching ONLY the finger tips (mostly the thumb, point, and middle finger of both hands). Again as describe below, try to create a flow of slight absorption of the ball by bending in on your elbows and then quickly extend your arms and releasing the ball upwards.

(to be continued because I can't be arsed to continue at the moment, plus it's getting late now :P)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Delusions: Singer, songwriter.

These are made over the years, I could not recall the exact days and dates. They are far from 'good' but at least I can say I tried :P

Monday, August 10, 2009


Lama dah tak main volleyball ngan team all-guys (sebab susah nak ajak orang datang main). End up having both teams full earlier today. Tak dulik puasa dah, sebab syok! Tak payah kira kesian bila nk serv atau spike..haha >:] Tapi kesian pulak kat kawan2 pompuan sebab diorang yang beriya ajak, tapi disebabkan ramai, konfemla diorang tak puas sentuh bola tu. Sebenarnya aku pon takleh nak predict bende camni nak jadi sebab selalu tu ajak jugak orang2 yang sama, tapi ramai tak dapat nak datang. Jadi some people really had fun while some did not really feel the same. Susah gak nak puaskan ramai orang. Takpe la nanti kemudian kita main sikit orang, bagi korang puas tampar bola ye!


Saturday, May 16, 2009


This is what I'm doing at the moment (or what I'm supposed to be doing ha ha). Next week is the mid-term break yaaaaayyy! Money is running low :( Probably have to resort to *ahem* you know who, very soon :P That's it for now, any other thoughts will be on other posts.

See ya!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Di mana oh di mana...

I drew this

Ape nak jadi ngan aku skang ni..lagi suka cuti daripada kelas, lagi suka rumah daripada hospital, lagi suka sendiri daripada berkawan, lagi suka buang masa daripada membaca, lagi suka diam dari berkata-kata..

Mana agaknya motivasi aku untuk teruskan hidup dalam bidang ni. Mana agaknya saki-baki inisiatif yang mengendong aku menempuhi 4 tahun bergelar student ni. Ada sape ke leh bantu aku dalam keadaan cmni? Ataupun memang smuanya tserah di tangan aku untuk merubah.

Ape masalah aku sbenarnye? Mentaliti? Saikologi? Tak pandai susun prioriti? Atau sekadar makin malas? Pape pun aku harap masalah ni cpat-cpat hilang. Aku slalu dnga orang cakap O&G menarik. Kenapa aku tak rase cmtu? Mungkin kesibukan jadual yang menghilangkan segala minat aku. Atau mungkin secara seluruhnya, minat aku terhadap bidang ni memang makin berkurang. Entah laaa.

Mampu ke aku jadi doktor?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lost another precious gem...

..that is my tooth.

sumpah sakit, damnit haha..nurse tu cakap 'hang ni muda-muda dah kena cabut'. aku terpaksa jawab 'rosak habih dahh' :P so yeah..i'm in pain at the moment :(

oh ya..have to state it here: got my first speeding ticket muhaha~. I really wasn't expecting it but I did felt something wrong by the way the policeman stared at my car before my turn to pass through the roadblock. Pretty shitty to know that the highway speed limit was 90km/h (like wtf) and i only went like 10km/h faster than that...and I thought I was going slow haha. (not gonna show the ticket here, sorry folks :P)

Ok now, about our band..yeay our band! Perhaps i should make a new post about it but this is what basically happened during the Ballad Session night of our college: we rocked the lecture hall! Whooooooooo yeahhhhhhhhhhh! We performed My Only Offer by Mates of State (and i forgot my first line of lyrics haha), Littlest Things by Lily Allen, Ternyata by Estrella and The Show by Lenka. Overall I'd say fine choice of songs and I've had few others to agree on this. Nothing feels better than knowing the crowd actually enjoys whatever song you play despite them not being popular nor played by radio stations ^^ Big thanks to the awesome crowd that night!
Danial, Sheareen, Sarah, Me.

Us performing Ternyata by Estrella.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's been a while...

..but sorry, public health posting sucked all the will to update, out of my soul.

I'll be back soon...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Be kind hearted. Donate blood.

- Date was 21st of January 2009. Location is Penang GH Blood Bank. Time was around 11am.
- Few of us who were still in Penang decided to donate blood (since we didn't have anything better to do anyway).
- Good to know i gained 2.5kgs since the last time I checked.
- Bad thing is I fainted right outside the blood bank door. Ha ha. It was pretty dramatic cause I was just saying "aku rasa mcm x ok" ("i don't feel good") and fainted right away. This has never happened to me during the previous donations. I never saw this coming. THEY never saw this coming. We had a good laugh at how panic they got when it happened. Ha ha. Funny thing is, I always wanted to know what it feels like to faint :P. Hope it won't happen again though.


Thursday, January 15, 2009


It's one of those days when you feel numb inside your head, where nothing goes in and out of it. Fell asleep in lectures and gained almost nothing from 4 hours of them.

Band practice wasn't that bad, cept that I sang like my true lazy self would..ha ha ;(

Head started to hurt a bit. Probably caused by the sun and trying not to fall asleep (which i failed badly)

Had a nap while trying to study forensics. FOCUS, MAN!

Hopefully productivity will increase tonight.


Sunday, January 11, 2009


So yesterday we escaped medic life and went to the beach :) It was really really fun and refreshing especially with presence of my good friends. Among the activities were; beach volleyball, frisbee-ing, water polo (monyet-monyet je snarnye, haha), limbo!, kite flying, taking pictures, barbeque, taking more pictures, sand castles! and of course swimming :) Couldn't restrain the kid in me to surface on and play the whole day, hihi. Pictures are up on a friend's Facebook page and if I can be arsed to steal them and put them here, I will.

Until then, ciao.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Semester break summarized by photos.

Had Ayamas after like 5 years since the last one. I love it so much!

Reunited with my first guitar.

Had dinner at Johnny's with sister..

...and my brother.

Got the chance to actually see 'buluh tumpat' being used as a
'prosperity charm' for business(from what I was told).

Painting our other house with a pretty colour...

...and taking pretty pictures of it with my lovely phone :P.

Bowling games with siblings.

Green mee at Johnny's in Dataran Pahlawan during visit to MMC
after attending a friend's wedding reception.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Something embarrassing happened today at the ward. Not only did it hurt me emotionally, but also physically -_- I'm starting to get convinced that I'm actually not fit for this profession.


(Why is the title in BM though..haha..I'm so jumbled up inside..)