Saturday, September 5, 2009


This is like the 100th post about volleyball (well, actually not that many..)

Somebody planned for a game today 'cause..well..probably a special occasion for that person. Anyway it was so unforeseeable (is that even a word) that the public court was in use by some other people. Many people. More than the most we ever gathered. Quick inquiry from a person revealed that, apparently, it's a regular thing for them on every Saturdays :( Heartbroken, I stood beside the court and watched them play. All of them can play well. And few are really good. Kinda makes me miss playing with superior teammates in Dublin (Division 1 Men, Irish League). The good passes, smooth sets, good blockers..arghh :( The only thing they lack is position and covering and even that is minimal.

Well, I'm still grateful for what I got over here with nice and awesome friends/teammates. There's no game I didn't enjoy with them. And it's always a pleasure to see new friends try the game and improve ^^ Love you guys!